Black Belt leaders know the importance of Discipline. Discipline starts with self-discipline. We must believe in its value and we need to realize that no one can Discipline us until we establish some self-discipline. This is best learned at a young age. This is why parents must Discipline their children and why Martial Arts helps that process. Discipline breeds consistent habits. Discipline is not punishment because discipline is reward based.
For example: If you Discipline your diet, then you will attain better health and fitness. Military Officers and College Graduates on average attain more success in life then others (not just because of intelligence) but the Discipline and perseverance it takes to study and train. At times, our motivation fades, that’s when we let Discipline take over. If we look at many of life’s derelicts, we can often trace their misfortune to a lack of Discipline and structure. So many end up trying to take the easy way. Many of them wind up with addictions and other complications in life that push them in the wrong direction. In just about every endeavor (if the talent level is close to the same) the Disciplined person will do it better. Look at the winners in life and you will see a highly Disciplined work ethic.
Discipline lets us defy our emotions and proceed to do what we know we have to do. This is why so many former military men and women own their own business or become CEO’s. Same for Ivy League graduates. Yes, they are smart and probably have connections, but to graduate from an Ivy league school takes discipline too.
This article was written by Master Jack DeSousa 6th Dan Black Belt in Taekwon-Do. Master DeSousa also has ranking in Hapkido and has been in the Martial Arts since 1982. Master DeSousa served in the US Air force and has a Bachelor’s degree from the University of New Hampshire.
Master DeSousa founded Martial Arts Advantage (formerly known as North West Taekwon-Do in 2003.
Martial Arts Advantage recently was voted the top school for 2018 from the UTA (United Taekwon-Do Alliance).
Martial Arts Advantage is located in Centerton AR, but also serves Bentonville, Gravette, Bella Vista, Cave Springs Pea Ridge, and Rogers. Our school is proud to have graduated over 125 Black Belts, making the communities of Northwest Arkansas better, one Black Belt at a time.